Sphere 17 Regional Youth Service (RYS) provides a high-quality youth service to young people between the ages of 10 – 24, in the region of Dublin 17 and Kilbarrack area. We provide many different services to young people, based on their needs, issues and interests.
We have three youth centres located in Bonnybrook, Darndale and Priorswood, and also operate a youth space from St. Benedict’s Resource Centre in Kilbarrack. The service typically operates a 6-day week and opens until 10pm in at least one of the areas/centres from Monday to Friday.
The youth service is provided in line with the Service Level Agreement as issued by the City of Dublin Youth Services Board on behalf of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY). The Woodale Youth Justice Project is a Garda Youth Diversion Project funded through the Irish Youth Justice Service covering the Darndale and Priorswood area.
Sphere 17 hopes for a future where all young people are valued. We want to see a society where young people have a voice, where young people are respected, and where they feel included, no matter what community they are from. We hope for a society where young people can get high quality support and have a real chance to be the best that they can be.
Sphere 17 believes all young people can achieve great things. Our mission is to support young people to be the best that they can be. We do that in different ways for different young people, as they need it, through the varied services we provide.
2024 was a fun and busy year, some of the successful programmes and activities with young people included:
- SPHEREcast - Sphere 17's first Podcast with thanks to support from Near FM
- Climate Justice programmes including 'Explore your Shore', the touch pool activity and related spoken word video
- Sphere Youth Theatres 'The Gallery' performance and drama programmes with young people in IPAS
- Dublin North Youth Services 'Transforming Hate' collaboration
- 'Game Changers' social justice programme
- Circus Skills programme
- Young Communicators Committee
- The Nurture Space
- Participation in St. Patrick’s Day Festival Parade
- Dublin International Film Festival (DIFF) short film judging and screening
- Farmaphobia trip - especially for the Out n About project
- Residential activities were a big hit again in 2024!
Some other highlights, achievements, and key collaborations from the last year included:
- Sphere 17 launch of 'Youth Voices' video by Minister Roderic O Gorman
- Participation in PRIDE Parade
- Another Way 5K Event
- Child Safeguarding Statement translated to video format
- Halloween Haunted House and Halloween Discos
- Young Communicators Committee launched first public access AED in Dublin 17
- Christmas Fair in the Square in aid of BUMBLEance
- Youth Exchange pre visit to Finland took place
- National Garda Youth Award winners
- Listen Up programme - graduation event and overall impact
- Secured funding for a mini bus for Out n About
- Community Climate Action Funding
- Increased media engagements highlighting the work of the service
- Pensions for staff - YAY!
Unsurprisingly, there were some challenges too!
Some of the key challenges in 2024 included:
- Impact of local protests, unrest and increased hate speech
- Staff cover
- Budget 2025 was disappointing for the youth work sector
- Repair/maintenance issues - youth centres and buses
- Balancing the high demand for our service versus our capacity and resources has at times proved challenging
- Weather!
- We actively promote the participation of all young people in all aspects of our service.
- We aim to deliver our service in line with established best practice and in keeping with the equality and community based ethos that informs our
work. - We deliver services based on young people’s needs, interests, issues and age profile.
- We provide a range of services covering recreational, educational, health, personal and social development.
- We provide professional services, by trained and vetted Youth Work staff.
- We engage in a way that is open, creative and positive.
Core youth service activity:
- Drop-in
- Group Work (interest and/or issue based)
- Individual Support
- Outreach (including detached youth work)
- Outings and summer projects
- Residential Activities
- Events
Other Key Projects:
Strategic Goals 2023 - 2026
1: Impact
Goal 1: Strengthen our approach to centralising and amplifying young peoples voices within the service to ensure we are truly young person centred in all we do.
Goal 2: To better understand and communicate our impact, we will build on our measurement and impact framework for evaluating programme outcomes.
Goal 3: Monitor the changes in our community to ensure what we offer continues to be relevant.
2: Excellence
Goal 4: Nurture and develop our people to excel in their role, and support their health and well-being.
Goal 5: Reflect on and document the Sphere 17 approach to community youth work to support internal organisational learning and sharing of best practice.
Goal 6: Increase Sphere 17 influence at a regional and national level through strengthened inter-agency collaboration, and increased communication.
3: Sustainability
Goal 7: Develop a method for assessing and prioritising projects, programmes, and future opportunities which aligns with our overall mission, values and service commitments.
Goal 8: Ensure that our governance and management structures are resilient to change and can grow sustainably.