Pre– Apprenticeship Maths (Maths for Trades)
Preparation for Apprenticeship Course This part time course will develop and enhance skills in mathematics related to apprenticeships and work.
It will focus on using mathematics to solve real problems faced at work On completion of this course, participants will have achieved a QQI L4 component certificate in Mathematics.
This course will include: Revision of basic arithmetic operations Measurement Volume and Capacity Sequences and Indices Quadratic and linear equations Trigonometry Temperature Using formulas Algebraic expressions Data handling Compound and Simple Interest
This part-time course is free.
Classes take place evey Wednesday 9.30-12.00 and 13.00-15.30 from 11th September to 18th December
Course Description
This course will cover the maths needs for the following Apprenticeships:
Metal Fabrication
Motor Mechanics/HGV
HGV/Bus Driving
Tool Making
CDETB Adult Education Service
CDETB South Inner City
Adult Education Service
Phone – 01 4540759